EIT Health i-Days:
Increasing urban physical activity
What are i-Days?
Innovation Days, also known as i-Days, promote health innovation among university students through dozens of one-day and two-day
programmes held in academic institutions around Europe. Students from all academic areas receive an introduction to practical health
innovation tools and compete in teams to tackle real-life health challenges posed by EIT Health, local organisations, private corporations
or start-ups.
EIT Health i-Days 2021: Increasing urban physical activity
i-Days focus on innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare. i-Days also provide a good environment to nurture soft skills such as teamwork and communication.
Physical exercises should be promoted among individuals of all ages, from all socioeconomic backgrounds, and in all regions of cities, with specific emphasis directed to equity.
Physical activity options must be provided in the communities, aiming for cleaner, healthier, greener, and more activity-friendly local surroundings. These projects should emphasize increasing physical activity in a variety of contexts (including neighborhoods, care settings, workplaces, schools, and transportation networks) and making the active alternative the easy decision.
You will work in multidisciplinary teams to put those innovation skills to work and to tackle real-life healthcare challenges with support from facilitators and mentors.

About the Hackathon:
i-Days are accessible to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in healthcare innovation. You do not need any prerequisite skills or prior experience in innovation, entrepreneurship or healthcare. There are no academic requirements and students from all disciplines and departments are welcome to join!
To become a participant of the EIT Health i-Days 2021: Increasing urban physical activity you should fill in and submit the registration form. Click on the “REGISTER NOW” button and accept the challenge to find simple and efficient solutions to increase urban physical activity!
18:30-19:30 🕙 Training → Implementation science in health systems
Trainer: Razvan Chereches
18:00-19:00 🕓 Training → Innovation in healthcare and social services
Trainer: Ion Gheorghe Petrovai
18:00-19:00 – Welcome & program presentation
19:00-20:00 – Ideas presentation
20:00-21:00 – Training: Pitching for innovation in healthcare – Razvan Chereches
09:00-09:30 – Coffee & Q&A
10:00-14:00 – Mentoring
17:00-18:30 – Final pitches
19:00 – Prizes & closing
Challenges provided by “Asociatia The BOX”
1. How can we make general population individuals understand/visualize how sedentary they are and what effect does this have on their health? (The idea is how to scare them about the consequences)
2. How can we make general population individuals find a partner/community to do physical activities with? (Based on our experience the chances for someone to stick to regular physical activity are growing exponentially if they find a community/partner in crime)
3. How can we help general population individuals find the suitable tracks for running, cycling or hiking?
4. How can we help general population individuals find options for physical activity around them, both free or chargeable?
Challenges provided by “Outhentic Cycling Romania”
1. Facilitating safe alternative unmotorized means of transport through the city.
Description: In many Romanian cities the cars rule, unfortunately, and the population suffers by not being able to walk properly, to run or to bike in a safe environment. Even if the parents understand the need for their children to exercise daily, they don’t feel safe enough to encourage them to travel from home to school, from home to the park, etc.
2. It’s fun to move! Convincing teenagers to increase their daily physical activity.
Description: Teens aged from 12 to 20 seem to become more and more static, do less and less sport and this comes with many side effects, such as weight problems, psychological negative impact, lack of focus and drop of daily efficiency.
Challenges provided by “Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Tandem Arena”
Challenge: Creating the infrastructure to promote tandem cycling and other open-air physical activities for the visually impaired and their families.
Description: Physical activities, especially recreational physical activities like cycling are very important for the physical and mental well-being of all people, and even more so for those with disabilities, who are, by force, sedentary. There are a few sports that can be accessible for them, but they require accessible locations and specialized equipment. On the contrary, tandem cycling and other open-air sports, such as boating or kayaking, need no special infrastructure or trainers and can be done in mixed (disabled/non-disabled) teams. In this way, they also promote integration and inclusion.
The infrastructure needed is relatively simple, like bike rental locations that host tandem bikes, etc.
Challenges provided by “Asociatia Urban Bike Revolution”
1. Develop tools and strategies for small and large businesses to make them promote cycling among their employees as the first option to commute to work. You can stress out the mental and physical health benefits for the employees. (Ride2Work)
2. Cycling is also an issue of cultural consciousness of the society. Develop tools to measure the willingness of citizens to ride the bike as part of their daily routine.
3. Children are the ones benefiting the most from a cycling friendly city. A safe environment allows them to become more active and independent in their daily routines. How can we increase cycling activities among children despite of a poor cycling infrastructure.