Ongoing projects
Ongoing projects
- The future of work in the health sector / International Labour Office, Sectoral Policies Department. Geneva: ILO, 2019. Working Paper: No. 325. Prepared by Marius Ungureanu, Christiane Wiskow, and Delphine Santini, under the overall supervision of Deputy Director, Akira Isawa, and Director, Alette van Leur, of the Sectoral Policies Department.
- Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students, OECD Publishing, Paris, Chapter 6. Romania: A growing international medical education hub. Marius Ungureanu, Karolina Socha-Dietrich
- Kuhlmann E, Maier CB, Dussault G, Larsen C, Pavolini E, Ungureanu MI. EU law, policy and health professional mobility, In: Hervey TK, Young CA, Bishop LE (editors). Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing 2017
- Kuhlmann E, Batenburg R, Wismar M, Dussault G, Maier CB, Glinos IA, Azzopardi-Muscat N, Bond C, Burau V, Correia T, Groenewegen PP, Hansen J, Hunter DJ, Khan U, Kluge HH, Kroezen M, Leone C, Santric-Milicevic M, Sermeus W, Ungureanu MI. A call for action to establish a research agenda for building a future health workforce in Europe. Health Research Policy and Systems 2018;16:52
- Ungureanu MI, Gheorghe A, Voinea S. Patients are denied care because of corruption in Romania. The Lancet 2017;390:10108
- Paina L, Ungureanu MI, Olsavszky V. Implementing the Code of Practice on International Recruitment in Romania – exploring the current state of implementation and what Romania is doing to retain its domestic health workforce. Human Resources for Health 2016, 14 (Suppl 1):22
- Ungureanu MI, Paina L, Olsavszky V. Health Workforce Management in Romania. The Lancet 2015, 386(10009):2139–2140
- Ungureanu MI, Mocean F. What do patients take into account when they choose their dentist? Implications for quality improvement. Patient Preference and Adherence 2015, 9:1715-1720
- Cherecheș RM, Ungureanu MI, Sandu P, Rus IA. Defining informal payments in healthcare: A systematic review. Health Policy, 2013, 110(2):105-114
- Ungureanu MI, Litan CM, Rus IA, Chereches RM. A Brief Insight into the Study of Informal Health Care Payments in Romania. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 2013, 39(E):212-219
- Ungureanu MI, Baciu B, Rus IA, Litan CM, Chereches RM. Are informal health care payments confined to public facilities? Evidence from Romania. European Journal of Public Health 2012, 22:137-138
- Cherecheș RM, Ungureanu MI. 2012. The saga of the Romanian healthcare reform, The Lancet, 379 (9829):e52
- Cherecheș RM, Ungureanu MI, Rus IA, Baba CO. 2011. Informal payments in the health care system- research, media and policy, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 32 (E):5-14
- Marius I Ungureanu, Monica Brînzac, Antonia Papiu, Alina Forray. What does the future hold for family medicine? An analysis of the sustainability of human resources for health policies. Medical Forum Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2020
- Marius I Ungureanu. Destination Romania: trends in the internationalisation of medical education among Romanian medical schools. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, Espoo, Finland, 2019
- Marius I Ungureanu. Internationalisation of health workforce education: the case of medicine in Romania. European Public Health Association Annual Conference- Building bridges for solidarity and public health, Marseille, France, 2019
- Marius I Ungureanu. Evaluation of health workforce retention strategies in Romania: challenges and opportunities. European Public Health Association Annual Conference- Winds of Change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018
- Marius I Ungureanu. Moving the public health workforce forward: how can early career professionals contribute? European Public Health Association Annual Conference- Winds of Change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018
- Marius I Ungureanu. Health workforce needs in Romania. European Public Health Association Annual Conference- Sustaining resilient and healthy communities, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017
- Marius I Ungureanu, Ioana A. Duse, Mara P. Timofe, Jonila Gabrani, Antoniya Yanakieva, Elena Bozdog. A qualitative assessment of the factors influencing psychiatrists’ workplace preferences in Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – New Models of Care. Reinventing healthcare: why, what, how, Porto, Portugal, 2016
- Marius I. Ungureanu, Mara P. Timofe, Razvan M. Chereches, Catalin O. Baba, Floarea Mocean. How Consistent Are Dentists and Patients When They Assess the Quality of Dental Care? Results from Romania. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – New Models of Care. Reinventing healthcare: why, what, how, Porto, Portugal, 2016
- Marius I. Ungureanu, Mara P. Timofe, Elena M. Bozdog, Alexandra Bocos,̦ Răzvan M. Cherecheş. It’s not all about money: Exploring health workers’ motivation when choosing a workplace. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo-Health in All Policies, Chicago, USA, 2015
- Marius I Ungureanu, Ligia Paina. Health workforce retention in Romania: a review of recent policies and practices. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – Evidence-based management: Better decisions, better healthcare, Breda, Netherlands, 2015
- Marius I Ungureanu, Mara Paula Timofe, Florina Gabor Harosa, Razvan Mircea Chereches, Silviu Albu, Floarea Mocean. Are there any pre-requisites for high-quality delivery of dental services? A perspective from Romanian dentists. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – Evidence-based management: Better decisions, better healthcare, Breda, Netherlands, 2015
- Andreea Maria Cetean, Mara Paula Timofe, Marius-Ionut Ungureanu, Catalin Ovidiu Baba, Razvan M. Chereches, Silviu Albu. Development of Quality Management manuals for use in Dental Practice. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – Evidence-based management: Better decisions, better healthcare, Breda, Netherlands, 2015
- Marius I. Ungureanu, Mara Timofe, Simina Bile, Elena Zavrotchi, Catalin Baba, Silviu Albu. Dentists’ perspective on patients’ contribution to quality management. Results from a national survey. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – Leadership in healthcare: From bedside to board, Birmingham, UK, 2014
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Bîle S, Zavroțchi ES, Cherecheș RM, Baba CO, Albu S. Romanian dentists’ competence: How could it benefit from patients’ feedback? Findings from a national survey.The 4th Scientific Symposium for Doctoral Candidates in Biomedical Sciences, November 2013, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2013
- Timofe MP, Ungureanu MI, Zavroțchi ES, Rus D, Baba CO, Albu S, Amota I, Dușe I, Cherecheș RM. Patient-dentist interaction: How Important Are The Interpersonal Factors? 27th Conference Of The European Health Psychology Society, July 2013, Bordeaux, France
- IM Ungureanu, Rus AI, CO Baba, F Mocean, RM Cherecheș. Are informal payments perceived differently by health professionals and patients? Results of a qualitative study in Romania. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – What healthcare can we afford? Better, quicker, lower cost health services, June 2013, Milan, Italy
- Marius I. Ungureanu, Bianca Baciu, Romina M. Mureșan, Ioana A. Rus, Răzvan M. Cherecheş. Attitudes towards informal health care payments in Romania and their implications on the health sector reform process. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting – Prevention and wellness across the life span, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012
- Marius Ionuț Ungureanu, Răzvan Mircea Cherecheș, Ioana Andreea Rus, Cristian Marius Litan, Bianca Baciu. Informal health care payments in Romania in the context of health system reform. European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference – Public healthcare: Who pays, who provides? Bern, Switzerland, 2012
- Ioana A. Rus, Marius I. Ungureanu, Răzvan M. Chereches. Patients’ perspective on Romanian physicians’ performance as related to informal payments. TEMPUS Project Master Programs in Public Health and Social Services Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2012
- MI Ungureanu, B Baciu, IA Rus, CM Litan, RM Cherecheș. Are informal health care payments confined to public facilities? Evidence from Romania. European Public Health Association Annual Conference, St. Julians, Malta, 2012
- Ungureanu MI, Cherecheș RM, Rus IA, Litan CM, Baciu B. Health inequalities in the Romanian healthcare system from the perspective of informal payments. European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), Zurich, Switzerland, 2012
- Răzvan M. Cherecheş, Marius I. Ungureanu, Cristian M. Litan, Ioana A. Rus, Anatolie Cosciug, Cătălin O. Baba. Informal payments: The definition – a systematic review. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition- Healthy Communities Promote Healthy Minds & Bodies, Washington, DC, USA, 2011
- Cherecheş RM, Ungureanu MI, Rus IA, Litan CM, Baba CO. Informal Payments, Health and Wealth – The Case from Romania.Assets for Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifecourse International Conference, September 2011, London, UK, 2011
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